Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Make the Best First Impression

Within the first few moments of meeting you, people have already begun to form their opinions about you. They’re analyzing your appearance, your demeanor, your body language, and any other cues you might be transmitting. This is equally true of your online presence. You need to send the right signals from the get-go in order to make a positive and lasting impression!

Whether you’re presenting communicating through video or in person, here are 5 things you can do today to ensure that you put your best foot forward:

1) Make eye contact

Maintaining eye contact tells others that you are interested in them, and shows that you have nothing to hide.

2) Be genuine and true to yourself

People can sense when you’re trying to be something you’re not. Rather than put on a mask, let the real you shine! After all, you’ve gotten yourself this far, why stop now?

3) Be confident

Having and expressing confidence in yourself tells the world that what you have to contribute is valid and worthwhile. You’ll see others drawn to you, really wanting to hear what you have to say. Just don’t let it go to your head! Over-confidence can turn people away just as fast!

4) Be present

Be fully engaged in whatever it is you are doing at this moment. Try not to think about the pile of “To-Do’s” you have waiting for your attention, or what your next move will be. Whether you’re meeting someone new or addressing your audience with video, being present will allow you to perform at your very best.

5) Smile!

The importance of a smile cannot be understated! When you smile, the world smiles back at you. It shows others that you are happy, and you want them to be happy also. This is one of the most powerful things you can do in your communications.

Stephanie Kittell, videoBIO Producer

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