How many people out there work for a company that is on the cusp of adding video, but cannot commit to taking the plunge? Often this hesitancy stems from a lack of consensus from the key decision makers, lack of awareness of what tools exist, or simply that they don’t see the need to bother amongst many other possibilities.
1. Enables you to conduct business with a personal touch
Whether you are working with a local small business or a multinational corporation there is one inescapable commonality with all business: you are doing business with people. Taking the time to create a video and send it as a follow-up rather than a regular email helps to keep you and your company top of mind. This is especially true if you are bidding on a contract or looking to make that initial sale with a business.
2. Shows that your business is innovative & on the cutting edge
3. Increase your visibility on the Web
4. Great Way to Demonstrate your Product/Services
If your business cannot meet with potential clients but you need to show them your latest widget or ground breaking doo-dad, video is a simple solution! It would be a good idea to hire a team of seasoned professionals to do this for you (ah-hem, videoBIO provides said services at an amazing price point!).
5. 7/10 People prefer watching video over reading text
To help your company take its first steps or adopt new methods to keep doing great things be sure to contact videoBIO at or 416-840-7600
We look forward to helping you add video to your B2B communication strategy!
- Jermaine P.V. Bagnll
Jermaine is an Account Manager at videoBIO and heads up the social media. Don’t forget to follow videoBIO on twitter @videoBIO