Monday, March 28, 2011

The game changing tool for job seekers

One of our favorite expressions is -- a videoBIO is not a video resume and there are a lot of reasons for this. A video bio at its core is a storytelling and connection tool-- a way to emphasize human traits, ability to communicate, enthusiasm, ideas and establish trust and authenticity. There are many ways to do this and it doesn't have to feel or look contrived or overly scripted. However, it does need to be thought through and leave the viewer with an overall professional impression of you and your abilities. Leave the details and skills for the resume and focus on making a great impression with the video. Marketing Profs recently published a great article authored by @williamarruda and @catharinefennel, yours truly! It talks about the video 'bio' as the game changing tool in job search. Worth a read.

1 comment:

  1. Practice answering various interview questions. There are numerous books that cover this and have ample suggested ways to answer. Get any of these books and go through the various questions and how you can answer all of them. Even the Internet is filled with sites which will guide you through the possible questions that may be asked. When you answer a question, always try to demonstrate how your skills will benefit the company you want to work with.

    employment tips
